Garden 1
My parents are both very keen Gardeners and have spent more time than I care to imagine over their lifetime nurturing vegetable patches that have produced a bounty of vegetables.
My childhood was spent avoiding any involvement and shirking any manual labor such as weeding, digging and hoeing. I did however grow up eating fresh carrots, courgettes, strawberries, potatoes etc. on a daily basis that came out of the ground in our back yard.
Up until very recently my aversion to green fingered pursuits has remained but after my Art Friend and I bought our house in Mount Albert I have had fleeting thoughts that a vegetable garden would be a great addition.
So with some trepidation I have decided that this year will be the year that I start a Vegetable Garden.
There are a number of reasons for doing this; we have the room, we have great soil apparently (Volcanic) and we live in a Vegetarian friendly household so we eat a lot of vegetables.
So here is the first post recording progress and some photos of the garden beds being built (not by me, it appears the shirking gene is still strong).
We have cleared some ratty old fruit trees and weeds and are using recycled volcanic scoria that has been on the property to build the beds.
I have been doing some research and I am interested in heirloom seeds as well as the Maori lunar Calendar and how this was used to grow their crops, especially given our geographical location.
I will update regularly on my success and failures.
For now I am just hoping it won't be a complete disaster.

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