1994 = 2016
The calendar year for 2016 is a direct facsimile of 1994, to the day.
Handy if you have an unused 22-year-old diary or calendar kicking about, we still used them then: smartphones weren't that common till 1999.
Shayne Carter and the Straitjacket Fits were cleaning up at the New Zealand Music Awards and a Hip Hop act by the name of Urban Disturbance had been awarded most promising new act.
One member went on to bigger and better things and now influences most of our listening choices without an LP or CD in sight: his name is Zane Lowe.
He works for a company called Apple Music; you may have heard of them. Especially if you're wearing Rayon Shirts, Timberlands and Wu Wear, all good nineties throwbacks.
Back then companies like Ihug, Bell South and Clear were promising a new digital frontier. The world wide web, as it was still referred to was in its very formative years with .co.nz in its first year attracting 315 companies, hardly anyone had a website.
So if you ever bleached your hair, wore one leg rolled up on your pants or a Raiders snapback, shopped at Benetton, Guess or thought Coogi was cool you’ll know what I mean.
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